ADA Compliance Statement
Every attempt is made to ensure that our website is accessible to all users, and that the information it contains is accurate. We work hard everyday to increase the accessibility of information on our website. Please see a few accessibility recommendations below in order for you to make your online surfing more inclusive.
If you’re having trouble reading websites, the US Social Security Administration has some recommendations for how to improve your computer and browser performance in order to have a better online experience.
Use your computer to read material on the internet.
To go from one screen to the next, use the keyboard.
Increase the font size.
To make things simpler to read, magnify your computer screen.
To customize the design, change the background and text colors to your liking.
Make your mouse cursor more visible (Windows-only)
Captions are a method of synchronizing the text of a film presentation with the video and audio tracks. Captions are generally visible on screen, which is beneficial for deaf people and hard-of-hearing individuals as well as anybody who can’t hear the audio in loud settings. The majority of ADA’s video content has captions.
Your computer, tablet, or smartphone may have a volume control. Each video and audio service has its own volume controls. To improve your viewing experience, try changing both the device’s volume levels and the volumes on your media players.
Please contact us during regular business hours if you have any questions or require assistance with anything on If you have any questions, please call us at 919-968-4701.